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Determination of coordinates by GPS navigation systems
Dear customers of Nostris

We would like to inform you about possibility of failures in determining the coordinates of the GPS navigation systems

 On the night of April 6-7, 2019, the week counters were reset on GPS navigation satellites.
 This is due to the 10-bit representation of the week counter. After 1024 weeks, the counter is reset to zero.
 Theoretically, GPS receivers around the world should complete this transition without crashing.
 However, there are a lot of GPS receivers that contain outdated firmware.
 Such receivers might "go crazy" and will not be able to determine the current coordinates, especially if used in conjunction with GLONASS.
 New GPS receivers are moving to a 13-bit week counter view, pushing the next reset date to 157 years into the future.
 But as for the present, all navigation systems with outdated firmware are at risk.
 For them, the transition can become a critical test.
 In any case, please take your time and check your navigation devices for performance.

SIMCom Wireless Solutions Ltd. informs that the following versions of firmware are operational until the specified dates.
Earlier versions of firmware may be subject to failures. Non-listed models may not be updated.

 Official SIMCOM statement on the matter:

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