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Espressif ESP32-C3-WROOM-2-N4 WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0 modules
Dear Nostris Customers

 We received ESP32-C3-WROOM-2-N4 modules with WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0 on the new 32-bit Espressif microcontroller - ESP32-C3-FN4.

 This module is maximally compatible in size and pinout with the widely used ESP-WROOM-02D module, which will allow it to be installed in the same place with minimal changes to the printed circuit board.
 Please note that in the ESP32-C3 series controllers, to enter the programming mode, you must pull the GPIO9 pin to GND.

 To write software, you can use your own SDK ESP-IDF v.4.3 with support for API functions for the ESP32 controller series - which allows you to use previously written code or libraries for peripherals or the popular Arduino IDE development environment.

 ESP32-C3 can be a universal solution for use in various fields and applications where WiFi and Bluetooth are required, as well as as the main computing core. These are smart home systems and IoT devices, POS terminals, industrial automation systems, robotics, etc.

 To order samples and additional information, please contact us:

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