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ESP32-Azure IoT Kit Debug Card for Cloud Services

 Cloud platforms for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as Microsoft's Azure cloud, Google Cloud IoT, and Amazon's AWS IoT, are being actively developed.
 Espressif does not stand aside and provides software support for the ESP32 chip for working with these services, and for convenience at the hardware level, the ESP32-Azure IoT Kit debugging board is released.
 The heart of the board is the ESP32-WROVER module. For indication, the board has a modern OLED display on a 0.96-inch SSD1306 controller.

 The board also contains sensors for monitoring various parameters, namely:
  Humidity and Temperature - HTS221
  Accelerometer and Gyroscope - MPU6050
  Magnetometer - MAG3110
  Barometer - FBM320
  Light Sensor - BH1750FVI
  Built-in DC-DC converter and injection charge controller allows you to connect battery power and work autonomously.
 This board can be used in other projects as an independent product. Using the link can download the latest software versions.

 For more information, contact our specialists.

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