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New products from ESPRESSIF
Dear customers of Nostris!

 The well-known manufacturer ESPRESSIF continues to please us with new products. We would like to present for your attention ESP32-PICO-D4, ESP32-WROVER, ESP32-SOLO-1, as well as debugging boards ESP32-DevKitC, ESP32-PICO-KIT, ESP-WROVER-KIT, ESP32-LyraT.

 These products have the following technical specifications:

  ESP32-SOLO-1 - WiFi module on ESP32 (one core), 4M Flash.
  ESP32-PICO-D4 - SIP module WiFi on ESP32 size 7x7x0.9mm, 4M Flash.
  ESP32-WROVER - WiFi module on ESP32 4M Flash, 8 MB SPI Pseudo static RAM (PSRAM)
  ESP-WROOM-S2 - WiFi module on ESP8266, works as SDIO / SPI slave SPI speed 8 Mbps, 2M Flash.

Evaluation boards
  ESP32-PICO-KIT - Evaluation board with the ESP-PICO-D4 module.

  ESP32-DevKitC - Evaluation board with ESP-WROOM-32 module.

  ESP-WROVER-KIT - Evaluation board with ESP-WROWER module, 3.2 SPI LCD.

  ESP32-LyraT - Evaluation board with ESP-WROWER module and audio Codec Chip ES8388.

 For more information, please contact our specialists.

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